Monday, January 2, 2012

Peer pressure

So I made this video about why I chose to go to public school......BUT I ended up deleting it because I don't like some of the things I said....I don't feel like I communicated effectively:-p SO, I'll probably redo it, but for right now I'll just write it out.

I was born and raised Pentecostal. We had a Christian school that I attended from 1st to 9th grade. We closed our school at the end of my 9th grade year because all of the families wanted to try our state's cyber school. So my tenth grade year I was home-schooled. Shortly into that year, my parents decided my brother was going to public school this year. I could choose to continue cyber school or go to public school. For years I have wanted to go to public school for a variety of reasons. The main one being that I feel like I don't do enough. As Christians we are supposed to be lights to the world. It talks about a man that has a candle doesn't hide it under a bushel, but puts it on a candlestick for all that see it to be given light. I feel that I have a light, but that it WAS under a bushel. I wasn't intentionally hiding my light, I just didn't have a candlestick to put it on, so to speak. So I chose to go to public school.

There is no doubt in my mind that it was God's will for me to be in public school. I am the only Pentecostal in a school of 700-800. It almost haunted me for years that there was no one spreading truth in my school. A lot of people "warned" me about public school. They would tell me about the peer pressure and that it's hard to be different and that people will talk about me. I wasn't trying to be a jerk, but my attitude was "I don't care!" I made up my mind back in July when I really felt the burden that I was going to be the peer pressure. I heard a preacher preach back in July about unleashing the young people into the world. He kept talking about how we need to be preaching to our young people to where we don't have to worry about what they're doing. That we're not protecting them from the world, but unleashing them to be the CHANGE in their world. He was talking to the young people, mostly. He kept repeating himself that we need to get a hold of this message and that we need to be the ones affecting people. That WE ARE THE PEER PRESSURE.

So that's what I determined in my heart. In my school, I am the one affecting people, not the other way around. I encourage all of you girls, AND GUYS, out there that are in the public school system, YOU be the peer pressure. Live a life above reproof. Don't lower yourself to the standards of the world. When people talk about you, don't let it be a negative thing. The best thing anyone has ever "insulted" me with is that I'm a Jesus-freak.....see? Best insult ever! I love it that people know I'm CRAZY about my Savior! Wouldn't you be crazy about someone who loved you unconditionally, ALWAYS listens to you when you cry, and doesn't complain about it, meets your every need, will take care of you without question, AND COVERS ANYTHING YOU'VE EVER DONE WRONG WITH HIS BLOOD???

Go on ya'll! Go full-throttle, don't let the enemy discourage you. People ARE watching, and they DO notice that you're different :)

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